Lectures & workshops

  • Updating for Period 9

    On February 4, 2024 we have left the Period of Earth behind and we have entered the Period of Fire, or the Period of the Rising Phoenix until February 2044. With that, energies change, different energies come from different directions and it is vitally important to update your office to harness best energies for work. Agnes Beleznay MA, MBA feng shui master practitioner will explain how to take advantage of the new energies for the next 20 years and beyond.

  • Color as Spiritual Dimension

    In ancient cultures, and in lineage texts of Tibetan feng shui, descriptions and illustrations rich in color have been used as tools against anxiety and fears, to uplift spirits and usher in calmness and harmony. The five elements as five colors have been the basic theory of feng shui. So was light and dark, yin and yang, in a variety of cultures from the Middle-East to Japan. The color as an archetype in the cosmos that has its reality has been a philosophical theme during the ear of Enlightenment in Europe. The subject of color is a very important aspect of life and healing, and if we translate that into our 21st century world, could we use color to heal our modern life?

  • Inspirational Spaces

    Creating a home with positive energy is essential for good feng shui. The living room is a vital part of any household, as it's where the family gathers and where a lot of entertaining happens. It's also a space that gets constantly energized with activity. To enjoy good feng shui, this part of the home must be welcoming to all who enter it and be filled with good chi. Creating a balanced and positively energized home requires attention to detail and Agnes will share her insights about the most important one.

discover the art of feng shui

discover the art of feng shui

Welcome to Agnes's captivating video presentation on Feng Shui! Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious newcomer, Agnes's insightful guidance will help you harness the ancient principles of Feng Shui to create harmony and balance in your living spaces.